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Are these Significant strands?
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Lyme Disease
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Regular Member
Joined : Mar 2012
Posts : 54
Posted 4/27/2012 4:21 AM (GMT 0)
Western BLot Test results:
IGG Results
34 - IND
41 - ++
58 - +
all others negative
IGM Results
41 - IND
all others negative
Would love to hear anyone's input about
these specific strands.
Veteran Member
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Posted 4/27/2012 9:39 PM (GMT 0)
It appears that your test results are very inconclusive. Band 41 is sometimes the earliest band to show up and often the more common but at the same time, is not specific to lyme. Band 58 is also not lyme specific. Band 34 while it is lyme specific, is indeterminate. Where are your results from?
Scarlet Grace
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Posted 4/28/2012 3:40 AM (GMT 0)
Isn't band 41 only specific to Lyme, Syphilis, and Periodontal Disease? It's a spirochete right?
Veteran Member
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Posted 4/28/2012 7:44 AM (GMT 0)
Band 41 reacts to the flagella (tails) of spirochetes. Band 58 is a heat shock protein and band 34 is outer surface protein b and is specific. I think most LLMD's will see the IND as a + because some activity was shown on the band.
Only band 34 of the ones you have listed is specific to Lyme, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you don't have it. I would still meet with a LLMD. Especially if you have symptoms.
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Posted 4/30/2012 3:19 AM (GMT 0)
Wow, so I posted this question, then completely forgot about
it, and never came back to look. Thanks for the information. Ugh, I wish it was more conclusive. It's funny how almost everyone in the "alternative" medicine area is against the use of antibiotics, but then when you suspect lyme, it's all about
long term antibiotics! I just don't want to commit to this when I'm not sure. I'm supposed to return to my llmd in late summer, but of course none of this is covered by insurance. He's a Lyme Dr, so obviously that's what he wants to treat me for. I want more tests, but have to pay out of pocket! Ugh, too much to think about
Then again, the one med that has helped the past couple of years is an antidepressent. I went to refil it last week, and due to insurance/deductible changes, the charge was $559.00. Obviously I said no, and ended up quitting cold turkey. It's been a horrible week, and I'm desperate for ANYTHING that will help!
Scarlet Grace: I have no idea!
Summer 3: You listed out what each of those bands react to, but I don't really understand that that means.
The Western Blot was done by Igenex.
Thanks again for all the responses!
Veteran Member
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Posted 5/1/2012 10:09 AM (GMT 0)
Diamblessed..can you tell us WHAT antidepressant helped you.?
Can someone tell me exactly what bands are LYME and if there is one for bartonella and another for babesia and another for ??
Also, has anyone ever taken teasel root and japaneese knotweed for a week deliberately before doing the blood work.
That is what my LLND had me do.
New Member
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Posted 5/1/2012 3:37 PM (GMT 0)
Dear diamblessed.. band 58+ is the gold standard marker in Scotland and Scandanavia for tertiary Lyme.... somewhere I have documents that scientifically support that......
Veteran Member
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Posted 5/1/2012 5:28 PM (GMT 0)
I had/have bands 23 and 39 (with 41) - according to my LLMD, one is an "American" strain and the other is "European" (but not sure which is which right now).
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Posted 5/2/2012 2:21 AM (GMT 0)
Over the past 8 years, I've tried several antidepressants. While Dr's wouldn't test me for anything, they did give me meds. Finally I found out 2 years ago I have hashimotos. The antidepressants, for me, just took the edge off. It helps me with not loosing control of my temper everytime something little happens. It's more mood control (anger). It didn't "fix or solve" anything, but helped. First I was on serafem (prozac), then zoloft, and most recently cymbalta. All seemed to help. Now, nothing due to the huge cost. I am taking 5htp, but I'm not sure if it is helping.
I am trying acupuncture to see if that helps with anything.
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Posted 5/2/2012 5:02 AM (GMT 0)
Effexor is a step sister to cymbalta and comes in a cheaper generic, I think. Many places, like Walmart carry generic old meds for 4 or 5 a month. Maybe you could look into that? I think Celexa is another cheaper med. I have tried them all, but they don't work on me.
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