I have a positive Western Blot, Postive IGM band of 23,39,41 and postive IGG band of 18 and 41.
I have been to several doctors here in Florida as my primary care doctor and Rhemotoligst diagnosed me with have Lymes over 6 months ago. I have seen 5 other specialist including 3 infectious disease doctors and they tell me we don't have Lymes here in Florida and even if I did have it I was treated with the Doxycycline and that should have cured it.
My symptons are getting worse everyday and now I'm starting to have stabbing pains in my legs that bring me down to the ground crying. I have had a low grade fever for over 8 months, migrains, blurred vision, extreme fatigue, legs hurt ALL the time, confusion, and many others.
Is it possible that I dont' have lymes with the results above? The doctors are making me feel hopeless!!!
Thanks guys,