As much as I'd like to do the Igenex testing, it is not in my budget right now. I asked my doctor to retest me for Lyme's as well as test for Bartonella and Babesia and he agreed. The testing was done at a regular lab. I came back positive for Band 29 and was negative for the other bands on the Lyme test. Given how the normal labs do the testing, this means I have a 'negative' result because I was not positive for multiple bands.
I am still waiting for my coinfection test results to come back.
I guess my question is, although I wasn't positive for multiple bands, does a positive for Band 29 indicate the possibility of Lyme Disease? I know that most of us aren't doctors around here, but any suggestions, information, etc. would be really helpful.
I've been sick for a year and would really love answers...
Holding Out Hope