texaswhipper said...
I also feel my worst at noon. It has to do with the cortisol levels, a hormone. I went to a compound pharmacist that tested my saliva 4 times throughout the day (when you get up, noon, before evening meal and before bedtime) and mine was the lowest at noon. He has me taking supplements for it. Corisol gets out of whack due to long-term stress. Also, blood tests aren't the best for determining levels of hormones because hormones are stored in your tissues, not your blood.
Hi, Texaswhipper,
Yes, I figure it has to do with cortisol/adrenals as well...been going down that road for some time now; just wanted to see if ABX or lyme caused similar symptoms. Hope the supplements are helping you....I tried to take isocort but it didn't like me. Yes, stress does a number on the body, doesn't it??
On a good note, I've felt a bit better the last two days in a row. Fingers crossed! ABX bloating is awful, however - and just in time for summer vacation - woohoo!