Mojo, I've never heard of Viibryd, but I'm on Luvox for depression/ocd issues & anxiety. I had a major "breakdown" 8 yrs ago, & I checked myself into a mental health facility for 5 days, as I was suicidal & completely anxiety-ridden. This seemed to come out of nowhere--I had no trauma in my life, no huge event, etc. Though my mental health has greatly improved(no suiciadal thoughts at all, way less anxiety), my LLMD believes ther's a strong possibilty that it was all caused by Lyme, & it just manifested itself thru my mental health, instead of physical health. It wasn't until a few mos. ago that I started having physical symptoms of Lyme.
Currently I'm on 3 different abx for Lyme & Bart., no adverse reactions with my Luvox.