Hello Biggs, nice to meet you and thankyou for your reply. Kind of late responding here, so i hope you get the message. I am going to see how far Caldwell is from me to see if it is a drive i can make regularly.
It took me 12 years to be diagnosed. I bounced around to many doctors. The first doctor and myself suspsected Lyme disease, but i had two false negatives (I know that now), and spent the next 12 years badly depressed, full of anxiety, and had many other troubles. The good news is that i did get better after being diagnosed. It took a while, but i got alot better. Only recently has insomnia began to get better. I had stopped treatment because i thought i was done, but the recent zithromax proved otherwise. It is a wicked disease in that it's hard to tell, atleast for me, what is me, and what is Lyme. Feel free to email me or resond here. I'll click the notify me of reply postings by e-mail below. I'm always looking to correspond with Lyme people.