Hi Ncblacksmith!
Are you a blacksmith in real life? If so how cool!! I love what they can do!
Tickled has already given you some great information. One thing you can do to help alleviate your symptoms at least some and speed along your healing - well as fast as it
can go - is to use the detoxing methods mentioned in our "New to Lyme? Start here!" thread. It will ease your joints and help to reduce the amount of toxins that your body has to figure out how to deal with.
The Lyme disease bacteria create toxins, and when the are dying they produce even more toxins, which is why we generally have a 'herx' reaction when we go on the proper amount of abx or abx type herbs. The body can't heal as well when it's fighting an overload of toxins, so we must detox.
As for how long it will take for your arthritis symptoms to go away, well that's unique to each person. Many find that the symptoms go away in reverse order from the way the appeared - if arthritis was the first to appear, then it's the last to go away. Although, that doesn't hold true for everyone.
Just remember that each day you are in treatment, you are one day closer to being back to what you should be!!
I have dairy goats that I hand milk, and I notice that some days (like this morning!! Ugh!) are much harder to get my hands working to keep that rhythm going and my fingers a working!!
Remember that it takes awhile to undo this damage, so please be patient with your healing and hang in there!!