My name is Henry, I'm not an American so I apologize for all the mistakes and horrible grammar!
I'm 25 and have a problem with my health since OCT 2011. I'm not sure where to start so I will start from the beginning. In college I had problems with back pain, really nasty one, I have no idea if it's connected so... I upper back muscles spasms appearing suddenly after fast moves, making all the muscles on my chest contract and stand me on my toes. I came to the US a year ago and this is where story starts... I have always been a person that likes forest and nature... Before and after coming to states I had problems with sleeping, fatigue, it was minor, back pain disappeared almost completely. I had a lot of stress during first few months after my arrival, everything started after laying in cold bed, with no heating at home for few days. Half of CT was out of power for few days because of the snow storm. After that cold sore appeared on upper lip, I was feeling like just before getting a flu, my gums were bleeding when brushing teeth in the morning and painful when rinsing. I had problems concentrating, learning language, talking, started to have weird headache, like pressure, not real pain, testicular pain, hip joint pain, sores and bumps on my skin spread from cutting myself with razor blade when shaving, dry skin, bumps filled with puss and painful, cloudy and darker urine, muscle cramps, fatigue got worse, dizziness, shaking when hungry or after drinking coke, ginger ale(sugar?), loosing some hair, lack of apetite, brain fog etc. I went to the doctor, I was told that it's stress and got prescript
ion for nystatin(oral suspension). It helped with gums or it went away, I was feeling better for some time. I made an appointment again when everything got worse again. I noticed a stain under my scrotum when taking a shower, silk, no hair, darker(violet/brownish), with visible blood vessels, like through a shopping bag. I got scared, told my story, it was same doc, now she was sure that I'm stressed out but because of my concerns he sent me to do some tests. Laughed at the stain and told me that I have an acne on my face. Blood work was fine, lyme test came back with positive stripe #93, negative, STDs negative, urine ok. I was told that I'm healthy and sent home. I was concerned about
that stain(I'm sure it wasn't there few months before) I went to another doc, she checked my scrotum manually, asked me if I want more tests and that I can have std or lyme, prescribed DX 100mg 1 or 2x a day. It helped, after taking for 14days I ran out of it. And things started to go worse again after about
3-5days. I came back and was sent to another doctor to send me to Yale. Instead of doing that he told me to try more DX so I got another 2 weeks supply. It got a lot better, minor things were still there but I was feeling fine! No awful sweating, moving muscles and pain. He told me that I will be fine and I was for 6 months. Stain started to get lighter but red dilated blood vessels were and still are growing out of it. Guess what it looks like, like ACA skin:/ I went to urologist, was told that it's normal, doctor told me that I'm fine and to take advil for pain. Everything is getting worse so doc which prescribed me more DX asked me if I want to get more or to go to infectious disease specialist. I chose specialist. I was there today. He laughed at me, told me that I have panic atacks, anxiety and so on. Prescribed me psychotropic drug and sent to a shrink. Today my brother noticed that my right leg is thinner, on the same side as I have the pain. I started to have chest pains when laughing, nightmares and problems staying asleep whole night, have sweats again, moving muscles in random areas of my body, and mind fog. Veins started to appear on my wang. some time ago, just dilated and dark. I get pissed by sounds like typing on a pc, chewing, it just drives me crazy! I won't lie, I'm scared as crap and feel ignored. I will take those drugs but what do you think? Can I have lyme disease? I also had head and spine CT, hip joints x-ray, scrotum USG(I have a mass on the left), blood work and urine tests repeated, HIV, all came back fine. Sorry for long message!
Post Edited By Moderator (Traveler) : 9/20/2012 3:35:06 PM (GMT-6)