Hello Heathersdad!!
SO HAPPY to see you here!! I am "Caity's mom" and have shared your journey in so many ways!! My daughter is now 18, was diagnosed when she was 17--in March of next year, it will have been 2 years for us. My husband and I also felt like Caity was a "drama queen", wanted attention, etc. until our "AHA!" moment when she was literally sobbing from walking down the driveway. Wow. . . it hurts to even remember that. We tried antibiotics for a year, driving to Missouri from Texas and returning from one of those trips read (on this blog--thank you Gary!!) about Hansa. We also read your posts and I was so dismayed that you were no longer on the site!
We were at Hansa for 3 weeks in Jan 2012, then went back twice. Caity is so bonded with Dr. J and we all love him of course! Unfortunately, for us, it was not a cure all, but rather a large step forward and away from traditional medicine. We have continued our journey and now Caity is tons better--though still not 100%. She still has a lot of pain and the insomnia has continued. Would love to return to Hansa, but you know, it is expensive. Right now, she is doing a modified Cowden protocol, some NUCCA chiropractic and something called ClearMind. We have a PEMF mat, and though she is super sensitive to it, we are hoping it will be beneficial.
Like you, I have spent many many hours researching and learning! I hope some day I can also help people. But I have 2 other kids, and a job, so right now, I am still putting all of my energy into trying to help my daughter. We also blogged about our Hansa experience--the site is under my signature.
Anyway, a long welcome--but really glad to see you back here!! Would love to hear more about your daughter's experience -- sure wish that Caity was well, but she is so much better than she was, we know we are on the road to recovery!!
God bless you greatly for making yourself available. It is people like you that have come to mean so much to people like me!! Also the many other great moderators on this site--all amazing people who TAKE THE TIME!!!! SO grateful for the people we have met on this journey, many silver linings and new appreciations. Our lives have been enriched by this heart wrenching experience. . . .even Caity has said that she is actually glad for Lyme and all of the lessons we have learned. It has been amazing to watch her strength and growth.
THANK YOU Don and all of the AWESOME MODS!! <3 <3 <3