My self-image is down to zero - on a bad day, I feel ugly, fat (gained 20 kilos in 10 years), I just don't love myself... very bad for the healing process. I don't look much into those mirrors at home, far less than hubby does.
On a good day, my hubby says I look so young for my age, much younger than others of my age. When I feel 'good', I sometimes can see that he's right.
If I look at pictures from myself from a few years ago, I feel embarrassed: I'm swollen (no real fat, just swollen tissue), I'm pale - I used to tann so easily.
And then the way people think: overweight = doesn't take care of herself / probably gulps down her food. I lost 16 kilos one year and a half ago, but all came back - I felt the respect of some people, now I'm back to my max weight. Friends say they would never guess that my weight is 93 kilos... sometimes I think my self image is all deformed and out of balance, not realistic...
But: we're strong people, something to be proud of!