I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome over 20 years ago. At the time I was tested for Lymes but it was negative. However, now I am wondering if I might actually have it. Here's why:
I got a bite - don't know what as I did not see the bug. It developed into what looks like the pictures I have seen of Lymes bites - it kept growing and developed that bulls-eye look. However I did not get sick at the time. about three years later I came down with mono and never got well. Eventually my doctor diagnosed me with CFS after ruling out many other things.
I'm not sure if it is possible to not have any symptoms for three years after the bite. Or whether I could have had it for over 20 years without having some reason to know that I have it. I have not had the joint arthritis-like symptoms. However I do have many of the others - fatigue, aches, difficulty concentrating/remembering, stomach problems, difficulty sleeping, etc.
Please let me know what you think about this. I need to decide if I should go for testing again. Thank you.