My nausea has become overwhelming. Last night I woke up after much difficulty getting to sleep, shaking like a massage chair with my heart pounding. That was it so I went to the ER.
EKG was good, chest x-ray was good. Bloodwork okay but interesting my WBC count went from 4.5 to 6.5 and my RBC remained the same (4.4). I guess the Japanese Knotweed is working on increasing the WBC?
Some liver enzymes were just below normal but they said that is okay, high is bad, low is OK. And my MHC was a little high which is a sign of Folic Acid deficiency or Vitamin B of some kind.
Nausea is still pretty bad today had some green tea with honey and a little bit of kefir and a nausea tablet which didn't do much. I will try eating something soon even though I'm far from hungry. I thank everyone for their suggestions and I will try some of them....