I just vacumed a little put some winter clothes to dry
I had to stop and sit down
I can hardly walk, and yup I am overweight
I stopped going to this spa where I got foot baths and infrared saunas
cause they were not helping and everytime I went there, they tried to help me
which I know they were coming from a place of wanting to help, be nice,
I already told them my situation and I gave them a list of websites and the dvd under our skin
but they didnt get it
and I was tired of fighting so I stopped trying to explain myself
The one chick would always tell me to go for a walk
Walking to the mailbox and around my house, and do a few errands is like climbing mt. everest.
I am going through enough, tried of discrimination, verbal, emotional abuse from others
I am so tired of lyme, so over it, and yet here I am.....
I am tired of my parents not understanding, fine
I dont want them in my life
but something as trival about a material object I still had in my possession that was borrowed
and it just rubs me the wrong way, ok, it ticked me off
my egg donor can surely 'get under my skin'
anyone else says the same things, it does not have any weight, but my egg donor
I spent months in thereapy over her
and here I am, still getting upset by her
I did not talk to her for weeks....
havent started lyme treatment yet cause I have a myraid of other health probs
so many of my organs affected
and only have so muhc money left
I cant always read, speak, think
cant exercise
have the most bizarre terrifying dreams,
that come from left field, so I dont feel I get true adequate sleep
on a bunch of supplements at diff times, with food, without
my whole darn life is centerd around this
I really appreicaite this site, all of u, my sounding board, cause no one else seems to understand in my real life
and it makes me want to scream