iwantmyhealthback...that's what I love about
this board. Everyone is incredibly understanding, and I never feel judged (and I've admitted/said some pretty silly stuff, lol).
Now that I'm on so many meds I'm afraid to drink as often, but I will admit I had a beer last night! I figure, if the Lyme hasn't killed me yet one beer won't!
I was a big drinker myself. I now have a child, but still miss it. My husband and I own a tavern and we're
opening a nightclub/ music venue. So alcohol is just simply a big part of our lives! Back when I was still working, reps would come in and want is to sample new brands of liquor. I learned the hard way that my body will not tolerate liquor, not even a little, so I always have to decline.
I feel so left out of everything. So to be honest, if I feel like a beer or a glass of wine every now and again, I do it. If I pay for it, well, I pay for it. The way I see it is...I work so hard with this crazy diet, resting, taking all my meds and supplements, but I still have a LOT of bad days. So if I want to have a drink I will. Most likely, it's not going to make me feel too much worse than I already do! Plus, at least it gives me a couple hours of enjoyment, while I relax and have that drink
Everyone is different, so do you what feel is best for you!
Btw I'm with you 100%, Traveler is truly an amazing soul