I've been doing yoga in the past - I stopped all excercice cause I'm a fysical mess since I started treatment. Before treatment I did pilates and yoga.
I thought it was very good as it worked as a gentle stretcher, and it was good to maintain muscle power and to take pressure off overloaded areas on my body. All of my muscle power is gone now, so I don't even think about going to 'work out'. I'll start again when I get better, that's for sure!
Don't think though that yoga is easy, it asks a lot of concentration, but at the same time, it makes you more aware of your body. I did Dru or Hatha Yoga, but there's more intense forms of yoga too. You can find some examples on youtube.
I did accupuncture too, but it has been a while. It helped me a lot to take pressure off my body, and to get rid of tension pains. But my accupuncturist was a 50min drive away, and it got difficult to always go there.
I only trusted him, so I stopped.
I go to a very good ostheopath now, I just love him!!!