I've used Skelaxin pretty extensively before, now I'll only turn to it about
once every 3 or 4 months. Milking the goats -and now moving furniture/painting and other things - can really set off serious muscle spasms/cramps!!!
It helps my muscles relax still - one of the few that still work for me - and that will allow me to relax enough to realize just how tired I am and be able to rest a bit better. BUT - I'm having issues once again with being able to detox, so I am being really, really careful about
putting things in my body that I know have a lot to be detoxed, but I will use them still when I need to.
Whatever you decide to use, start off with a fraction of the 'regular' dose since you are so sensitive to meds. Skelaxin is a hard pill, not a capsule, so you can break them up and only take a small amount to get you started.