I was on Zhang's artemesia formula for about
1 1/2 mos,
It is highly recommended, however, with some folks it can cause problems. If you are not in tune with your body and effects, this could be serious.
about one month in on artemesia, I was having heart problems, weak and very pale. So my LLMD suggested a blood panel and my hemoglobin and Hemocrit dropped really low. Apparently the artemesia is so effective that it lyces (sp?) the rbc's to get at the babesia protozoa. In this case it was too effective for my body to keep up --- with artemesia there tends to be a huge dieoff right at the beginning. This can affect your liver, spleen and kidneys --- they have a difficult time with huge dieoffs.
So my LLMD took me off of artemesia (I stayed on mepron/zith) and my blood went back to normal within 10 days. I feel much better but still have some babesia symptoms to work on.
I feel artemesia is highly effective but you really have to watch it...take it slow. Use dandelion and milk thistle for your liver. Detox all the way. Babesia is a tough disease, worse than Lyme, I think.
Just be careful!