Hello all,
My son (22) diagnosed at 19 with all bands positive, RMSF and just last year 2012, Babesia.
On 4th LLMD, Dr. H in NY....he's actually worse, not because of the doc, he's trying his best.
completely mentally disabled....now started talking to self....hasn't "talked" in years except for "its good" no matter the question.
doctor is trying different meds which is good, some we haven't tried so that's good but he's still getting worse, gradully over 3+ years. He's taken it all...currently on plaquenil/malerone/factive
I'm not sure how much more we (his parents) can take. The money has run out and unforgunately so has my hope.
Of course we will keep going but how much longer can my son go thru this. Besides being completely lost/confused he laughs constantly....all day....we now have to give him sequerol just to let him sleep.
this must be extemely hard on his body no less his mind.
What do we do, we are already seeing the best. What's next?
Sorry, just so frustrated that NOTHING is working. What are we missing?
His Mom