I can relate to you... dressing up and making myself beautiful (as a matter of speech, I don't feel beautiful at all) is so hard.
It's like I couldn't care less. My husband is so well 'kept', and I don't feel 'enough' for him. He's always nicely dressed, nicely shaved - and I just want to run (or better: drag myself) around the house wearing wide tracksuits from husband, or my pyjamas, with skying socks...
My closet has so many nice clothes in it, I have nice shoes, but I don't even wear any of them: heels hurt my feet because of the Bart and the inflammation, my social life is 0, and I feel to much bloathed up to fit in my clothes.
and husband says I look good...?????? not good good, but good in comparison with how I'm feeling.
Take care wellbeautifulspirit!!! Hang on!