Hi Mom,
Why put yourself through medical school? It certainly didn't do our doctors any good!
I'm very new to recovery; have been following Dr. Jernigan's protocol for a little over a week; but sick for 10+ yrs, also diagnosed with many of your problems. My worst problem has always been excruciating, crushing, burning pain in my knees that is so bad I've been in pain management for several years. Well as hard as this is to believe, the day after I started Dr. J's protocol, the knee pain went from a 10 to a 3. Now, about
10 days into the protocol, I can feel a prickly sensation in my knees, like it wants to start an attack, but no attack comes! I've been slowly lessening my narcotic dosage and am now taking about
half of what I was taking. I can't give the pain meds up yet as I also have spinal stenosis and scoliosis, which along with the knee pain has kept me in bed for years.
Yes, I will make my point.. As whoever put my package with Dr. J's products together forgot to include the book (which finally came today) Deejavu has very kindly guided me regarding the proper doses to take and helped me understand the importance of detoxing.
I do dry brushing followed by an epsom salt and peroxide bath every night before bed; only take one day off a week from this. No, it doesn't hurt at all. It's very soothing and relaxing. When I pour the epsom salts into the bath, some of the salts don't melt and can feel like tiny bits of sand when you get it. I find that annoying, so I wipe the bottom of the tub with a washcloth to break them up before I get in. I do a Jernigan's mustard foot bath at least 3 or 4 times a week. I drink about
a gallon of water a day.
I have to admit I was grossed out when it came to the coffee enema; but 'rah' for me.. I did one this morning and it actually woke me up, same as drinking a cup.
So again, as Deejavu said, no matter what protocol you're on, you have to remove the toxins from your body to heal.
Am I healed after 10 days? Of course not. I still have many, many horrible Lyme symptoms. But I truly believe that with tons of patience, a lot of prayer and by sticking with my daily protocol including detox, detox and more detox, I will beat this. We all can!
Post Edited (jupitergma) : 3/21/2013 11:28:59 AM (GMT-6)