My wife has cronic Lyme and is being treated with various antibiotics by her LLMD. We have group insurance (UHC/Medco) through my employeer. The drug plan refuses to pay for any antibiotics for the Lyme treatment. They did pay for the first month or two and then refused any further payment. My wife's doctor appealled to no avail.
My wife was recently granted disability which is great news (thanks to the great documentation her doctor provided). Our decision now is, she now qualifies from Medicare. Do we want to take it or stay on my employer's insurance policy? In trying to make that decision I contacted a Medicare Part D Rx provider (AARP MedicareRx Enhanced) to try and determine whether or not they will cover ABX for Lyme. The representative said that if the medication is medically necessary to maintain the standard of life (and the patient's doctor is the one to determine this) then the medication will be covered. I would be shocked if this were actually the case. I imagine that if we join and after we try and get the ABX covered that they will say that the CDC does not agree with the use of long term ABX and they will refuse to pay just as Medco has.
Is there anyone on the forum with long term Lyme that is getting all ABX paid through a Medicare Part D provider?