opugirl, Thanks for asking. I was just thinking of posting an update. I'm back at Hansa this week, and doing a lot better. It's really obvious I have more energy this time, and am less light sensitive. I'm walking much better. I'm grateful for the treatment, but am also getting antsy to go out on a hike again!
A couple of weeks ago, I posted a little of what I learned from my DetoxiGenomic Profile test. It had kind of a strong effect on me.
Basically, I came up as having a lot
of deficiencies (on both chromosomes) in my ability to detoxify common pollutants, and also to break down my own neurotransmitters. My doctor has since explained it to me a little more. It sounds like my body produces a low baseline of the enzymes involved in methylation, acetylation, glutathione conjugation and oxidative protection. When I'm exposed to stress, whether from a pollutant or the kind that releases stress-realted neurotransmitters, my body doesn't respond, but just keeps producing the baseline.
So, I'm basically not equipped to handle stress and pollutants!
I'm still learning what I can do about
this. Eating certain foods like broccoli helps, as does taking antioxidants. It comes down mostly to lifestyle changes, many of which I've already made through trial and error and intuition.
One thing I hadn't done was to try to remove a lot of the synthetics from my environment. I've been a dancer and backpacker, so I have quite a few "performance fabrics" in my wardrobe. I took a bunch of them to the thrift store the other day, and started shopping for organic cotton clothes instead.
I felt a little reactive doing this at first. Now I think it makes a lot of sense. I've recently learned that human bodies take in 100 percent of the chemicals rubbed on the skin, but only 10 percent of the the ones eaten. I realized that if I stop wearing toxic things that mimic estrogen on my skin, it would probably decrease the stress on my body, and maybe help rebalance my hormones.
So, anyway, I'm back at Hansa. We decided it would be a good idea to do another round of the Life Vessel, and really focusing on processing old stuck patterns and emotions.
The focus of my treatment has really moved away from Lyme. I'm just taking a few homeopathics for pathogens, along with the other things they have me on. We started doing some treatment focused on parasites, which I have symptoms of. We're also focusing on the kidneys. I think I tested positive for parasites in the kidneys through BioResonance Scanning.
My CRT exam this time showed dramatic improvement in several areas! Yay
Unfortunately, there wasn't enough of a shift in the head area. My doctor said this points to possible CCSVI issues, and explained to me that he might recommend traveling to get more tests for this.
Nan, was it you who said you had the CCSVI procedure done?
I feel weary thinking of doing more tests and possibly getting an operation (not to mention that the money is...um, running out.)
On the other hand, I'm find myself getting a little excited at the idea that it could make a significant difference for me. Even though I'm doing a lot better with more energy, I'm still a ways away from feeling like I could live a normal life.
I guess I need to do more research on CCSVI. I don't know too much about
what it is.
Ok, enough for now. I need to go to sleep!
Oh, and thanks again Denise! I haven't forgot about
your offer. I might still take you up on it sometime. Fortunately, things are going much better in my relationship right now. It's not that we don't have issues, we're just communicating about
them much better, there's more
openness and goodwill. We actually did an energetic balancing together when I was at Hansa last time, and I think it, along with both of our positive intentions, really helped. I feel very grateful for this.