Hang in there, Mystery1!
It is a long road for some of us, but it is also well traveled! There are lots of people here to help you with suggestions and articles to get you through this! Many also find that a local face-to-face support group is helpful.
Be sure that you are detoxing - instructions are in the "New to Lyme?" thread, as it's the toxins that are causing most of your symptoms (
Start off slowly because it's easy to overwhelm the body with many things as you start off. By using the methods described in the "New to Lyme?" thread, you will be releasing toxins into the blood stream in order for them to be removed from the body through the skin, urine or feces. Just go slow - I like to say that slow and easy wins this race! LOL!
Your Bart infection will stop you from healing the Lyme completely, so be sure that your doc treats the Bart soon or at least before s/he decides that your done with your treatments. Just ask them at your next appt which infection you are treating right now and what the plan is for the other infection(s).
I would also suggest that you look over the symptom lists to be sure that you don't have any of the other tick-borne infections as they have a way of not showing up on any blood test as well. Any co-infections have the potential of stopping the healing from Lyme.
Be sure to ask tons of questions, not only here, but of your doctor as well!! An informed patient makes for better healing!