Hang in there Andy!! It's actually a much gentler way of doing things usually! Lots of us have bodies that have decided living with Lyme can't be all that bad, but we have/are strengthening our bodies so that they can fight this! I was too ill to use abx, so it was the only option for me.
Get started detoxing! This will be huge in your ability to heal. The die off from the bacteria dying can slow or stop the healing process and since most with chronic conditions can't detox properly, we have to do all that we can to help it out until we are healthy enough for our bodies to be able to do things on it's own.
You will likely be taking quite a few things to help your body get back to functioning on a higher level. When I first started with my Holistic Practitioner, my adrenals were out to lunch, my thyroid was laying down on the job, my intestines had decided that all work was to stop, and the list goes on! But with my following what I was told to do (I had such serious cognitive issues by then that I could only barely follow instructions on how to help myself), I have healed quite well!
To be honest, it was a long road, 3 years total, but what else was I going to do? LOL! And all the "estimates" on how long it was going to take for me to heal after being undiagnosed for so long were 10 - 12 years, so I did well!
everything slowly!!!! Even detoxing, supplements, & herbs. Chances are you will react to every change, every thing that you add into your routines and some other things too - that's how most of us are though. I believe that it has to do with our bodies being so badly compromised for such a long time that it just doesn't like changes.
And you have us!!
LOL! We are here to help guide you through the rough spots and give you the encouragement you need! What more could one want??? Giggle!