Having an inc of lyme/co sx......bart? Haven't tested co's. Have been using lyme/co specific colostrum several months that kept sx at bay. Tried to go off to see if I could pulse....sx came back with a vengence, this being the toughest to get under control. Inclues much inc'd head pressure, horrible inner tremors/involuntary twitching, unbearable aggitation, head feels so spacey, inc'd confusion/memory, occasional hot flashes/sweats. Had all these sx initially before using colostrum. Sx dramatically increased just when I felt they had started to ease. Feels "psychological" if that makes sense.
I did go thru a few months of stress as my son was dx'd with kidney cancer/surgery....traveling by plane/car, also read spring/fall makes sx worse, as well as I also have mold illness.
Not real sure what sx go with what co but remember reading about bart & feeling this fit my sx. Any ideas? Also, what herbal/natural, at-home tx's for bart? My brain is unable to remember or grasp what I've read previously right now.
Thank you for being there when I/others need someone to help hold them up. I am grateful.