I've been on Wobenzym N for about
3 weeks and was ok, but now am getting a slight stomach ache sometime after taking it. Not while my stomach is still empty though.
about 6 years ago, I had a blood test for food and pollen sensitivities and was supposed to be very sensitive for pineapple and an ingredient in Wobenzym is bromelain from pineapple. I used to eat pineapple a lot and never noticed anything.
InterFase was also suggested to me for cyst busting, but it has egg whites in it and I tested very sensitive for egg white too but eat lots of eggs and am fine with them.
I'm not sure the blood sensitivity test is reliable?
What are good alternatives for cyst busters?
I take GSE drops too. Is that enough?
I'm on minocycline for about 3 weeks too. Maybe that's the cause of the stomach ache.