I am so very sorry that you are having such a hard time with this, Jupitergma. I agree - it's the emotional that's the hardest for me as well - always has been.
Yes, the point of detoxing is to kill off a few more spirochetes (Lyme bacteria) with the heat and oxygen, and to mobilize them into the blood so that the body can get them out. One of the more common issues is that sometimes too much dead bacteria/toxins are mobilized for the body to handle.
This is commonly when a person will have lymphatic massage or take a tincture to help the body 'flush' or get moving again the lymph fluid through the lymph glands (that's what 'filters' the blood).
You may also need some liver or kidney support to help those organs deal with the extra load of toxins too. If you find that you have pain, pressure or a 'heaviness' in those areas, you should talk with your practitioner about
getting something to help your body deal with the overload of toxins being released.
Remember, this is a body wide event, so any organs that are struggling will give you some troubles. This is where an experienced Practitioners are priceless - they should be able to determine where your body is struggling and add supportive herbs or whatever to help out.
I was Blessed, as my Practitioner was very good at 'seeing' what parts of my body were struggling and knowing how to help support them. Made my healing journey much smoother!
As far as whether or not the depression is related to your infections - you know your body best - but it's quite possible that the infections that you have are at least
adding to the depression that you have been struggling with for so many years.
Whether or not that's true, you probably should think about
taking something to help out with the depression if you aren't already. Depression can and does make dealing with the physical stuff a lot harder.....and we don't need anything to be any harder than it already is, right?
Big (((((hugs))))) to you!! Know that we are all here for you!