To the healing well forum and all the lyme warriors here, a huge THANK YOU for being here. Whether you are still sick or well, you have probably saved my life and countless others.
When no dr.'s would listen to me, I kept coming here and seeing that my illness looked like lyme. Thanks to your advice, I have a LLND and am getting help. Through IGENEX, Finaly dx with lyme, erlichia, mycoplasma and chlamydia pneumonia, candida overgrowth, MTHR 1 mutation, HHV-6, impaired immune functioning and several vitamin deficiences. And I feel lucky and blessed to have learned all this in a matter of being ill for 6 months rather than years.
See, I knew I wasn't a crazy hypo chondraic they kept insinuating I was ;-)
You all are true blessings and keep up the great fight!