Heather's Dad, thanks for your input. I will look at the website and consider ordering the products, depending on the expense. I'll let you know/
Traveler, I do have coconut milk kefir, and I looked into making my own, but I was researching so much stuff, I had a problem with information overload. You've confirmed that that's what I need to do. I'm definitely going to order the grains.
You're absolutely right about using a holistic doctor. The thing is, I'm in a rural location. There is one not far from here who is a naturopath, but apparently doesn't know much about Lyme.
In Raleigh there is an LLMD who uses a lot of natural medicine in addition to abx and even iv abx, but he's reputedly extremely expensive, and he sells his own products, the fact of which always makes me a bit suspicious. You have to prepay before you even have your first appointment. Notwithstanding, I've heard good things about him. I guess I could give him a try, even though it's kind of a long haul, and there's no good public transportation!
Does Dr. J. use alternative medicine? It would almost as fast for me to fly to DC. That's what I've thought of doing, but I need to know how alternative-medicine friendly he is.
The oncology center nearby has a great social worker (I'm a breast ca. survivor); I should ask her about naturopaths and Lyme Disease.
I'm starting to like this forum.
Thanks all of you, Margaret