I've taken Mepron and Zith but it did not do the same for me. It actually was not working. Until I added artemesia then that kicked my butt.
Are you on anything else? artemesia? cryptolepis? A-Bab? Quina?
These are some Bab herbs. I am no longer on the Mepron but on a couple of these herbs and seem to be working pretty good. A-Bab is good but it can also kick butt and herx.
Have you been taking any support for Liver, spleen and kidneys? All 3 systems are affected especially when you have Bab dieoff. Dieoff can make you extremely exhausted but also the disease itself.
Have you had your blood levels checked. Babesia can cause youto be anemic and affect RBC, hemoglobin etc.
anyway, just a couple things to look into. Best wishes. ecotick