Hi, I have had some symptoms that could be indicative of Lyme Disease including some swollen lymph nodes, and back and jaw pain. If I was exposed to Lyme disease it has been in the last three months or so, and I would like to get it under control early. I told my symptoms to my doctor who prescribed me a z-pack, but now my understanding is that if I have taken an antibiotic, my body will not have the antibodies that are generally tested for to diagnose Lyme disease. I posted a thread on here earlier asking about
what I can do and was told that I should post another thread and try to find an LLMD in the area. Any help that anyone can give me is very appreciated. As stated in the title, I live in Suffolk county Long Island, NY, but I am willing to drive into Nassau if need be.
I know that it is not allowed to post LLMD's names online, but my email is [email protected] Thank you again.