There are several different natural treatments that members here and myself have had good results with. I'm not sure what is readily available where you in your country, but there's no harm in checking!!
The protocol that I followed for my Lyme and Bart are in my "signature" that is under each of my posts.
Buhner's protocol - This one is fairly laid out and many on here have or are using it. You can do a search on this site and find many, many posts talking about
using his protocol.
Cowden's Condensed Protocol - you have high Vitamin D levels, the Marshall Protocol might be the protocol for you to use: I am likely missing some other protocols, but that's at least a start!
Some find that they must only treat one infection at a time, others find that they must treat more than one, because one is preventing the healing of another. For me I had to treat Lyme and Bartonella first and together, then came the others. My Lyme and Bart symptoms were quite overwhelming though.