I've seen an LLMD in Mississippi, who stated that I have Lyme, but didn't seem blown away by severity of infection based on results. He also didn't really expand upon IND, if I need to be retested/etc. He was rushed, to write the least.
We moved to a different state right after diagnosis, and I saw a nurse practitioner here who is iffy about
this even being Lyme? She wanted me to have a C3A and C4A, among many other tests. I found a well-respected LLMD, and I am seeing him in a month.
Any thoughts are welcome. Thank you for the taking the time to help me. Also, I was CDC negative, Igenex positive on both.
Any bands not noted were negative.
IGM Result
18 kDa +
**23-25 kDa IND
**31 kDa +
**39 kDa IND
**41 kDa +
**83-93 kDa IND
IGG Result
**23-25 kDa +
**39 kDa IND
**41 kDa +++
My IFA B Burgdorferi test was 40