Actually I don't think Banderol & Samento are as hard on the digestive tract as many other prescript
ion antibiotics are.
By following the instructions and taking them on an empty stomach, most is absorbed right in the stomach and upper digestive tract.
Actually my LLMD uses the banderol and samento for people that have yeast overgrowth. He takes them off the abx, puts them on a yeast medication like diflucan and nystatin, and keeps them on banderol & samento to maintain their gains. GSE is also used together when doing this. He also does another method where he uses bandero & samento with maybe 1 antibiotic for example azithromycin.
He also suggests not being on both banderol & samento & many antibiotics. He just has an underlying concept not to take too much stuff. But yes he still may throw in 1 antibiotic.
But I actually was on banderol & samento & antibiotics myself and it seemed to be fine. I think they are relatively mild compared to the antibiotics. In particular I was on minocycline.
It is important to remember they are like antibiotics and to take probiotics while on them.
Post Edited (LymePickle) : 2/17/2015 11:11:48 AM (GMT-7)