@MattyB429 - Earlier the other day, I asked someone for some advice and they sent me a link to someones website for some answers I was looking for. On the website, I read this descript
ion of Babesia symptoms and they mirror much of what you listed. Babesia is a co-infection of Lyme. Actually, people can just have babesia without Lyme as well. Igenex Lyme Panel and Co-Infection panels are the best way that I know to test this. Additionally, many times Lyme and Co. are clinically diagnosed based on symptoms as blood tests are not 100% accurate to pick up these infections. Only 50% of the time do people get a rash with a tick bite. Here is the list:
Babesia symptoms, which may go back ten years or more, include one or more of the following; listlessness, slow thinking, high fevers or unexplained fevers, reduced appetite, chills, sweats, headaches and/or migraines, fatigue, muscle and/or joint pain, depression, anxiety, panic, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, cough, dark urine, enlarged spleen and/or liver, jaundice, enlarged lymph nodes, memory loss, psychiatric illness, struggle organizing, urgency to sleep in day, waves of generalized itching, dizziness, chest wall pain, sensitivity to light, and abdominal pain.
PS - Keep up your reading! You are doing well
Post Edited (SLML) : 2/25/2014 12:04:21 AM (GMT-7)