Hey Chloe, thank you and thank you Trav and Opugirl! It was a great thing to hear and I passed the physical with flying colors.
He suggested Rose Hips for fatty acids...but I am on DHA and EPA and also take in Chia Seeds
For my nerves he told me keep up with magnesium, Vitamin D3, Vitamin C and every other supplement I'm on. If you want a full list I can name them all.
My goal is to be back in dance class and running by the fall...but it's all in God's time. I pray very heavily every day, meditate, have quiet time, have a clean diet and let go of stressful people and situations.
I am now waiting on my lab work from last week to see what it looks like.
I will keep everyone posted. Oh and Trav I will be off this Lorazepam crap soon...I'm a little under .125mg. When I stop and I am stable I will let the forum know. Curious to see how many of my symptoms are related or flared due to Lorazepam.
Much love everyone!