My daughter and I are doing very well with Buhner's complete bartonella protocol (with the addition of a Cryptolepis/sida/alchornea tincture), however the only herb we haven't herxed on is japanese knotweed. This is also the only herb we can take at his recommended dosages.
Before we started the bart protocol I tried cat's claw alone and had an almost immediate reaction of painful joints and sensitive (burning) skin. I had no response to teasle either good or bad.
Although he doesn't recommend astragalus for chronic lyme, he does stress the importance of a balanced immune response. So I experimented with it anyway. At dosages recommended on the bottle (Nature'sWay - 500mg 2-3x daily) I felt like a teenager again after 1 day. I was doing cartwheels in the backyard (I kid you not), and I'm 52. 3 days later I felt like I was dying. And it wasn't from the cartwheels either - the flu-like muscle pain was terrible and took about
a week to resolve after I discontinued astragalus.
We are now using cordyceps daily, 500 mg astragalus 3x weekly and American ginseng on the days we don't take astragalus. This seems to work for us.
We are Canadian as well - Niagara region of Ontario.