dmw52 said...
Georgia, I've had my kidney function tested and they tested better than normal. I've had heart palpitations/chest pressure so I've had a 24 hour holter monitor, and EKGs which didn't show anything. Is there something else which should be done? The edema seems to always be there. I had both feet operated on last year (bunions). Could this have caused the edema? I guess the only way to check for which foods cause swelling would be an elimination diet. Since I am gluten free, dairy free, sugar free, and I don't eat processed foods, my diet is already quite limited. Thanks for your help.
I could be from the surgeries, but didn't you have edema before the surgery?
I would want the Dr to look at copper levels.
Hormone issues can cause edema and elevated aluminum can block estrogen elimination. Perhaps your aluminum levels are high or too much BPA?
Your magnesium levels could be low and the catch 22 between increasing Mg and not increasing Mg levels. I'm a supporter of giving the body what it is lacking to increase it's normal performance. Disease is the lack of normal performance.