Sounds like classic Lyme symptoms -- Multi-systemic and migratory. I would recommend you see a bona fide LLMD. No doc on staff at Dartmouth Hitchcock will make you well. Nor will a "Lyme friendly" doctor, or an infectious disease specialist. LLMD or bust!
You can make a request for a list of LLMDs via email to
[email protected]ILADS has a great web site, too.
Good luck. I know how daunting is to feel so sick and lost and confused but you can get better! I was strong and athletic and perfectly healthy until I developed all the symptoms you have. I saw every specialist imaginable - rheumatologist, gastroenterologist, orthopedist, endocrinologist, neurologist, podiatrist, allergist. I had MRIs, physical therapy, EKGs, Xrays, endoscopy, ultrasound, and I slept in leg splints. I tested my well water for heavy metals and my house for radon gas. It was Lyme all along, but like you, I never tested positive except for IgG 41. My diagnosis is strictly clinical. But ten months into treatment with a LLMD and I'm feeling terrific, and almost all my symptoms are resolved.
I live in southern Vermont, and I believe there is a strain of Lyme (my LLMD calls it. "A Lyme-like disease) in this area of New England that ELISA and western blot don't pick up. I know lots of people in the same boat. The tests are unreliable, but your symptoms are absolutely classic.