Hate to complain, but I really can't talk to anyone else about
I was awake most of the night with hot sweats, heart palps, and asthma.l
Even though I managed to water my plants
I feel like I'm about
to pass out whenever I stand up.
I'm trying to make myself eat, and I almost can't, plus I certainly don't want to cook!!!
On top of that, after a huge amount of progress (I thought), I'm going into another bout of diarrhea.
Sometimes I wonder if my body is shutting down. I'm not really depressed, just VERY fatigued, and don't know where to go from here.
I don't even know how I'm going to drive to the drugstore to get my much needed Malarone and some (also needed) sleeping pills.
All I want (apart from a wee bit of support, is a long night's sleep, a peaceful bowel, and an appropriate body temperature).
Enough energy to clean up after myself (house, dishes, etc.) would help.