specialcase said...
Wondering if anyone can help me figure this out. I've been having terrible trouble with my breathing for 18 months now. Before I got diagnosed with lyme my suspected problem was candida and I started on Fluconazole. After three days my airways seized up, I couldn't breathe, and an ambulance was called for, only to be ignored by the medics as can be expected.
Forward a few months and I got put on nystatin by an ND who suspected candida as the prime concern. Same reaction. Airways would seize up and many ambulance trips were had only to be accused of anxiety or other mental problems. Stubbornly I tried to push through these episodes but the same kept happening. Similar scenarios occurred with borax and even coconut oil.
I was recently with a GP complaining of an awful irritation in the airways, like an awful dryness which stops me breathing comfortably or regularly. This was after about four weeks of antibiotic use. Without asking I was prescribed some nystatin, a relatively mild form to what the ND had me on. I tried it nonetheless and five days later came that awful suffocation again.
So what is happening here? I've tried pushing this point to doctors but can't seem to get it across. It's happened with various antifungals so seems unlikely it'd be an allergic reaction. I haven't seen mention of anyone else experiencing this sort of reaction especially as nystatin is usually well tolerated. I tend not to be sensitive to medicines. I'm quite sure candida is a problem for me - how much I'm unsure. One possibility I've suspected is that candida is lining my airways. Certainly I would bring up a very foamy kind of salifa if ever I try to walk anywhere.
Any ideas? It's really the difficulty in breathing is the one symptom holding me back the most.
First off, I hope you're using probiotics daily especially with your antibiotic usage. I take Garden Of Life's for myself. If in fact it is something due to yeast overgrowth and gut is already out of balance anyways probiotics will help restore the good bacteria, but will not kill the yeast. Thats Fluconazoles job, or a holistic approach. To me it sounds like a herx reaction. Candida die offs suck, and "sore" or closing throat feeling happens. Happens to me when i herx on abx, but be careful. It could very well be an allergic reaction as well.
If you're looking for a natural approach Garden of Life makes a Anti-Fungal,but be warned it contains garlic and Oregano oil which will most likely kill some lyme bacteria as well as the candida.