Busride14 said...
Hello, I also have lyme, I don't feel good at all. I tested positive on all 6 bands they tested me for. I finished my doxy in July. I am extremely tired. Every day something new hurts. Its either the muscles in the back of my legs, sometimes my shoulders. Today its my elbows and my fingers. Around August 19th , I started having trouble with my jaw. I have an appointment with my GP next week. I am going to speak with him about seeing a LLMD. I really need someone to help me.
Busride, you didn't get enough abx(antibiotics) if you are still having symptoms. Are you sure you need a referral from your GP?
I listed the ways to find a LLMD in your first post - you can find this by clicking on your screen name on one of your posts - it takes you to a page where you can see your last 10(?) posts. You should also 'subscribe' to the posts that you wish to follow and list your email address in you profile - you get to choose if you want it to show on the forum or not. By listing your email address, you can get email updates when someone posts on a thread that you are subscribed to.
Let us know what kind of help you need - we might be able to help.