Hi Mindgames,
Welcome to our community!
There is a ton of misinformation out there on these infections - most put out by IDSA (Infectious Disease Society of America) and by the CDC and most other countries have their eyes on the US to determine how they treat these infections. Sad state of affairs, truly.
First of all, you weren't tested in the right manner the first time around - it takes 6 - 8 weeks for the body to produce the antibodies to the bacteria that these tests look for. So you were tested too soon the first time around.
The second time around, you may very well have been reinfected or infected with a different strain of the Lyme bacteria. There are over 300 different strains of the Lyme bacteria in the world. So the second tick bite made it so that your body produced enough antibodies to test positive is all.
Your treatment with Doxy wasn't long enough to have treated the bacteria either. This is a very complex bacteria - it replicates inside the body as such a slow rate that even the most recent bites have to be treated with 2 - 3 months of antibiotics - not 6 weeks for a chronic infection! This is why your symptoms all came back after stopping the abx (antibiotics) - you still have the infection.
One of the hallmarks of Lyme disease is that the symptoms come and go, and differ in severity as well as by
location and type. As someone else said, it's called "The second great imitator" for good reason! The first great imitator was syphilis, which has a bacteria very similar to Lyme disease.
You may well not have many choices for treatments, but you can always use herbs to treat these infections. I used herbs only to heal from my first time of being infected, and now that I got reinfected, I'm using the same set of herbs to heal again.
Unfortunately, not every responds well to each healing protocol, so you have to find what works for you. I would suggest that you start off by reading through our "New to Lyme? Start here!" thread that sits at the top of the forum. It's packed with important information, detoxing suggestions, symptom lists (as Lyme usually comes with other infections/viruses), and more.
Then I would encourage you to take a look at Buhner's protocol, as it is used by a lot of people, is easy to understand and doesn't use a lot of different herbs so it's easy to get started on it:
buhnerhealinglyme.com/ You are not alone in this fight for you health!! We are here to help you get through this. Just take one step at a time.