astroman said...
The tendons and ligaments around my tuber ischiadicum (sit bones) are way better. Working on my upper IT/glute junction right now and left foot tibialis tendon.
The pain in sit bones was first thing which pushed me to do Lyme tests. I've been having achilles tendon and tibialis tendon pains as well.
@astroman Tell me one thing though. You stopped abx in 2016 and still working you collagen deficits and flexibility? Have you supplemented it well?
See I finished abx in Aug 2017 (the one course of 28days@doxy@100mg x 2 which I had) and still getting those symptoms. But for me it's only now I found out that collagen thing around BB and I've just started to supplement it. That paper I linked implies that BB cells can stay in collagen and ligaments and tendon even after abx courses. My doc started to hesitate to put me on IV abx but she never told me about
collagen and tendon thing. For her its all lyme arthritis in general and she waits for better prove of it. I wonder should I insists on a month iv abx or just start working on those collagen deficits and rebuilding strength and flexibility of tendons?