I herxed on herbal tinctures & this was months after abx tx started.
I herxed while starting all of the antibacterial herbs.
You want to start one at a time, slow & easy.
My herxes would begin between day 1 & day 3.
Herbs are great, especially tinctures, b/c you can add more or reduce your dose very easily.
You don't have to call your doctor, etc, you can change your dosing as needed yourself.
I started them on my own, but by month 3 or 4, I contacted a lyme herbalist to help me decide how to continue forward.
I also make some of my tinctures myself. It's cheaper & you learn how to make medicine- very valuable indeed.
Lymebarthiker- how sick are you? Can you still work?
I have been on herbal tinctures & abx for just under 1 year now.
I have always had to deal with thrush - can't stand it, but dealing with it. The diet has to be tight, as you must know. Diet is key.
I know b/c I've fallen away from the diet a few times & I pay for it dearly EVERY time. You are not alone:)
Post Edited (Usedtogarden) : 11/13/2014 4:34:53 PM (GMT-7)