I'm not sure where you're located, but if you can find an acupuncturist or a place that does Chinese medicine, they could help with detoxing. I've been seeing an acupuncturist who also has/ had Lyme. He had it for five years before he was diagnosed and did the Cowden protocol for over a year. He's pretty much recovered but has flare ups every now and then. Acupuncture can help overall with the Lyme but also with individual symptoms and detoxing.
*Apologizes if you're easily grossed out by this next part*
I was having issues with detoxing and herxing and just generally feeling awful. It got to the point where I practically begged him for a wet cupping treatment. Which is like a regular cupping treatment, where they put hot cups or suction cups on your back to draw out the toxins from the body. But for certain people, like us with Lyme, we need some extra help. With wet cupping, after they apply the suction cups for several minutes they take them off and where make small cuts in your back. They reapply the suction cups to draw out the blood and toxins. Yes, it does sound gross and painful but it's really not. Yes you can feel that initial cut but that quickly fades as the toxins are being pulled. I would liken it to being stuck with a needle. You feel that initial contact and then nothing.
The blood that comes out can be very globular and coagulated. Its the toxins and junk being removed from the body. For me, it helped with brain fog, TMJ pain, energy, back and neck pain. I've done it once a week for the past month and look forward to it when I know I need really a detox.
Here are articles talking about
wet cupping on Lyme patients.
goodbyelyme.com/cupping_herxheimerwww.bewellworld.com/article.cgi?id=Other_144You can also check out videos on youtube that demonstrate it.
Not sure if any of this will help, but if you can get it done I would highly recommend it.