On the topic of procrastination, here's a trick I learned at a writing camp years ago from an author whose name I can't remember:
She says to use a Wheel of Wonder to get things done. It's like a clock with an inner and outer circle. You break the task down into tiny minute- or 5-minute chunks until it's done. You use really "Succulent" words to make it sound exciting and fun.
Get a large piece of paper. Draw a large circle. Inside the center, draw a smaller circle, like a bulls-eye (how appropriate!). Now draw lines from the center circle's edge to the outer circle's edge until there are lots of little demarcations, almost rectangle shapes, bordering the center circle/target. It should look like a clock that has each large number outlined by a rectangle.
In the center of the circle write your goal/target. Make it sound great! Use ACTIVE verbs. Change "Order my herbs" to "Manifest my wellness through my miracle treatments!" The main goal is in the center of your Wheel of Wonder.
In each outer box on the border of your target circle, write each step you need to do to accomplish that target. Break each step down as tiny as you need to in order to make it feel do-able. "Turn on my computer" is a step. Change the words to make it sound fun: "Flip the life switch on to my computer." Next, "Go to herb website" becomes "Journey to my healing site" or whatever works for you. You get the idea.
The MOST IMPORTANT THING the author told us was to post these Wheels of Wonder on the wall, and then give ourselves PERMISSION TO NOT FINISH. She says that when you're stuck it's important to celebrate just creating the circle in the first place. Then trying a step for 1 minute, or spending only 5 minutes max on however many mini-steps you can do. She says it's important to celebrate every tiny step you do instead of focusing on what you didn't do. Each celebration reinforces that you accomplished something and that these wheels of wonder should be fun to do. She says that once you begin to feel joy from doing little bits, you will eventually want to spend more time doing each step.
I use these to attack my closet organization, clear my desk, even to do the laundry sometimes.
Hope this helps somebody on here!!