Thank you everyone… I get so disconnected sometimes, I forgot that I posted this thread! But, having another tough weekend so felt good to come across it again...
I love the music video. ;) It is critical to find that main focus or goal.
I'm not sure what I'm living for. In the past month, since starting the abx IV I have been punched in the face with just how much lyme & co. has stolen from me. Very very strange but vivid "memories" or thoughts coming back to me that I seem to be reliving. So, I'm just now coming to terms with what my life is (and isn't, which the holidays seem to amplify) right now. Maybe, what I'm living for—right now anyway—is the fight for my life back. I've been "fighting" for most of my life—had a tough childhood. So, I'm pretty pissed about
this really long, exhausting fight. I get tired of fighting. Life can't be all about
fighting for life. But, this is what is in front of me and hopefully, on the other side of this fight is a life worth fighting for.
So, it's either fight or give up. Today, I will fight.
I have a few new things to add to my mantra:
- had a good week with the infusions and the port this week—no more pain;
- felt well enough to start the Byron White herbs again—LLMD seems to think this will help some of the neuropsycho flares;
- despite 4 trips to the %#@& DMV (it's 1.5 hr bus ride EACH WAY) I have renewed my license;
- I'm grateful that I am near a bus line—makes it easier to do without a car right now, which I hope is temporary (had trouble driving and was in-between leases so decided I'd just give up the car until things change—strange, but I am able to get around on my bike for now);
- it's beautiful and warm outside today;
- I have been able to keep up with the dishes lately;
- one of the nurses from the home health care service just called to tell me about
a lyme disease program on NPR —very sweet of her you're having a good weekend…