Katebirch said...
Before I got lyme I had a ton of faith- I guess religious/spiritual. I mean some hard things had happened to me over the years, but I had a lot of faith in the inherent goodness of the world. I believed that challenges come up in everyone's life, but they pass. And that goodness and well being are a state we can return to. I believed there is a strong force of good guiding and protecting our lives.
Now that I am in this struggle and not sure yet of how to get out, I am finding my faith deeply challenged! Now I often wonder if there is in fact a goodness that we can always return to. It is harder for me to feel faith and peace of mind.
How has this experience affected your faith- not only religious, but the general feeling of goodness in the world? Lyme hits us like a lightning bolt, so easy to get and so hard to get out of, that it can be very emotionally damaging! How are you all handling that aspect of it?
Well, I believe with hardship comes ease; that God sometimes sends a person hardship to cleanse his soul of sins. So to me, sickness is a blessing if one is patient.
Now that I'm more on the recovered side of things, I realise if I can beat lyme, how much easier it is to take care of my health without all the lyme symptoms; and live life fully!
To me, it is truly a blessing now that I realize how much potential I may be able to have. Life is easy without all these Lyme symptoms and now I can live life even better than before the disease. (* ive been recently feeling recovered :)).
Also, I believe this life is a constant struggle, but that one may be able to achieve, not happiness, but a sense of contentment in life.
Post Edited (lymedriven) : 12/15/2014 7:46:01 AM (GMT-7)