As IHL says, boosting the immune system can help, but only if lyme/co is in the early stages, which I think your son is not. If his bacterial load is high and you start boosting immune response, he will be overwhelmed with die-off toxins (and thus increased symptoms). The immune system will need to be modulated, but carefully (Buhner's associate has recommended cordyceps for us). Elderberry might be OK, but cat's claw or astragalus will probably be too strong at this point.
I can't tell you about
which abx can be used until you see the LLMD, but Buhner's herbs are very effective antimicrobials and can be titrated to a low dose (decreasing initial herxing).
Because you don't have a diagnosis and don't know if coinfections are involved, I would suggest giving Buhner's associate, Julie McIntyre a call to see which herbs she might recommend to tide you over.
If you can't contact her, try one of these other associates (from Buhner's facebook page):
2) Tommy Priester in Lincoln, MA (
[email protected]);
Gordon Medical Associates in Santa Rosa, CA ((707) 575-5180);
and Tim Scott in Brattleboro, VT (Toll free: 877.591.1874 In VT: 802.246.1090)
Buhner's site is here and the protocols are listed on the left side of the home page:
Most of the herbs can be found in tincture form at WoodLandEssence:
The lyme protocol consists mostly of immune enhancers and not much in the way of antimicrobials. If it is an antimicrobial you feel you need, one of the better antimicrobial tinctures I have found is the combination CSA (cryptolepis/sida/alchornea) from the above site.
Start low, perhaps 5 drops 3x daily, and keep an eye out for increased symptoms indicating herxing. If herx occurs, decrease dosage. If herx doesn't occur after 5 days or so, increase by 1 drop. Go slow! At the moment we are using 15 drops 2x daily of CSA and we have been at this for a long time. Don't over do it.
Sida is a good antimicrobial as well, but the combination tincture was more effective (antimicrobial) for us.
I would also start with Japanese knotweed which is a very good anti-inflammatory (for body and brain) at low doses to begin with. Buhner recommends this herb for most inflammation and for a lot of his protocols. At the moment we are using 1/4 tsp (35 drops) 3x daily of this tincture along with 1/4 tsp 3x daily of powdered herb in infusion (tea).
If you manage to get a consult with an associate, please be aware that the dosages they give you will likely be maximum dosages for your child. Start very low and work up - SLOWLY. We have never been able to make max dosages for any of the herbs other than Japanese knotweed. We are taking only 1/4 recommended doses of everything else.
Make sure he is detoxing as much as possible. Plenty of magnesium (we use 300 mg mag citrate powder 2x daily), Epsom salt baths if he is OK with sulphate, water with fresh squeezed lemon juice and stevia a couple times daily. Lots of water to drink. A good probiotic once or twice daily away from the antimicrobial. These herbs are stong and we ended up back on probiotics because of yeast infection when we started CSA. Keep the bowels moving with psyllium husk or vit C or magnesium to bowel tolerance. But you hopefully already know these things if you have dealt with lyme/co yourself.
Edited to add - the Meriva form of curcumin is also a very good anti-inflammatory and is useful for body/brain inflammation. We use 500 mg 2x daily. Our daughter is 100 lbs.
Good for you for associating your son's symptoms with infection. This was the way I came to the decision to have our daughter tested for lyme/co - when her symptoms (psychiatric and everything) cleared with abx treatment for strep and then returned when abx were discontinued.
Good luck and keep us updated.